1. Apply a tourniquet
GOAL 1: Tourniquet. Prevent climate breakdown – we only have 10 years to avoid a tipping point to irreversible doom.
Since 1880, the average global temperature has increased 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit. That might not sound like much, but in terms of climate it is. If it increases much more, all the ice will melt in Antarctica, releasing billions of tons of methane, which will heat us up 20x faster than the same amount of carbon would. We won’t be able to stop it anymore, weather patterns will be changed out of recognition (and entirely unpredictable), and humans as well as most plants and animals will go extinct from hunger and natural disasters. Knowing humans, though, we’ll probably kill each other with nuclear war before the inevitable end.
“Agh, where’s that tourniquet you were talking about?!?“
The NUMBER ONE PRIORITY is educating the people around us. The second biggest priority is working strategically to force governments and businesses into better, non-planet-destroying practices. Third comes the individual efforts to do better – third because this is easier than changing society as a whole, and also because for too long corrupt businesses and governments have been using individual responsibility as a cover for their far more damaging and enormous impacts.
I am shaming businesses and governments who have purposefully done wrong, but this website is not here to shame or blame individual people. For one thing, we all inherited this system, we did not put it into place.
It may not be our fault, but it is our responsibility to fix this.
To get the “carbon bleeding” to stop, there are a number of different tools we can use. Regarding your personal lifestyle, it’s going to be way easier than you think and we’ll show you exactly what is possible a few pages farther on!
For now, let’s look at geoengineering, which is often suggested as a tool to fight climate change:
For one thing, we could put up a space sunshade ASAP to buy us some time. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20160425-how-a-giant-space-umbrella-could-stop-global-warming
Harvard is also working on a similar project. https://geoengineering.environment.harvard.edu/
There is also an option to use aerosol injections in the atmosphere to mimic the temporary cooling effects of a volcanic eruption. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratospheric_aerosol_injection
We could try to get these projects fast tracked and see if those could buy us more time. However, there are a lot of ways these could have unintended and damaging consequences.
There have also been a number of glib suggestions of “Let’s just go to Mars and terraform it for us!” A. There is not enough time for that. We will all die before it’s possible if we keep on this course. B. If we can’t maintain our self-maintained Earth that is perfectly tailored to supporting us, then we certainly have no chance at terraforming Mars to be habitable. So this suggestion is nonsense and anyone promoting it should be regarding as a nincompoop, at best.
To prevent #ClimateCollapse, we need to bypass traditional media and news sources, which are hobbled from reporting effectively, because it’s not good for business to cause a panic. Unfortunately, it IS time to panic. We all* need to be panicking, and channeling that energy into change.
*If you have children under 10, please try to shield them from the extent of the crisis. If they are not going to be able to live a full life, then we should at least give them happy childhoods. If we manage to stop this runaway train, then they will do far better in life without the baggage of trauma that fearing a dead planet will cause.
We are going to be giving you tools and action items to reach those around you as well as how to protest in the most effective ways.