What is the Adult Strike 4 Climate?
What are we striking for?
To support and underline the efforts of the thousands and thousands of students who strike from school every Friday to send a message about the emergency state of the climate. As adults, we support them by not spending anything for the entirety of Friday every week.
Will this really work? Are there better ways to protest?
We believe that even a small percentage of the population striking from buying on Fridays will send a BIG message to industry and lawmakers about what they must do to stop killing our planet. A recent study showed the tipping point for success in peaceful protests is only 3.5% of a population being involved! http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world
*Industries track purchasing patterns and stats closely and even small variations from the expected can cause a scramble to figure out and correct what is happening.
*As we get press coverage, our voices will be amplified.
*We encourage you to protest and work for the betterment of our planet in any and all ways you are able. This spending strike is a good place to start for everyone who cares about our planet, no matter how small your resources of time, money, or energy.
How do we DO the strike?
We encourage you to:
*Set a phone alarm for Thursday to remind you to prepare for Friday.
*Set a phone alarm for Friday morning to remind you it’s a No Buy Day.
*Consider organizing gatherings with your friends on some Fridays. There is too much loneliness and isolation in the world and we need to have fun with each other! Maybe participate in #TrashTag or plant trees. Tag us with your creative no spend social ideas with #ClimateStrikeTogether.
*Tell your friends and family about this and ask them to participate. Share the strike on social media with hashtags like #AdultStrike4Climate, #SpendingStrike4Climate, #NoBuyFridays4Climate, #ClimateBreakdown.