Who started the AdultStrike4Climate?
I am just a person who has loved all things nature their whole life. I also learned early on about the damage we were doing to our environment, and thus ourselves. I lead a pretty ordinary life with an ordinary job, but my goals and dreams in life have always involved helping heal whatever piece of the planet I can.
I had gotten pretty discouraged until recently. Things have gotten pretty dark for the human race. It seems like every generation faces an enormous challenge, something huge to overcome, but it seemed like corrupt governments and too many oblivious citizens were shoving us over the cliff of extinction.
Then the Youth Climate Movement got going and thousands of young people started marching and protesting and striking from school every Friday. Then tens of thousands. Then governments started to listen. Resolutions have been passed, whole countries have declared climate emergencies.
We have a long way to go, but if most of us work together, we can turn back the clock and prevent our extinction – and win our generation’s biggest fight.
I believe I have some useful input for this movement, but I hope to stay anonymous myself. I have never desired fame, I communicate better in writing than in speeches, and I am happy for others to be the faces of climate activism.
I am the one who came up with the idea for adults supporting the FridaysForFuture weekly school strikes by striking from all purchases every Friday (except necessary medicine. Strike continues until we reach carbon neutrality – balanced in/out – as a species), but there are others volunteering behind the scenes as well, whose input and work is greatly valued.
Other places you can find us online:
Twitter at AdultStrike4