Did you know you are FASTER than your CAR?
Humans can, on average, run about 26 mph.
We all know cars regularly take us 70+ mph, so what does that headline even mean?
I’m going to prove it’s true!
A long time ago I read an article (http://earlyretirementextreme.com/day-7-going-car-free.html) that talked about how to calculate your car’s REAL mph when you factor in the time spent working to pay for it as well. After that, every time I was annoyed at work I kept thinking, “Is this time I’m working right now just working to pay for the car to get here?”

You might be TWICE as fast as your car!
Obviously, we can’t run everywhere. And obviously, many of us cannot decrease our hours at work because our boss won’t let us. Some people have disabilities and need cars to be free to get around. Some people are being stalked by exes and should probably not spend too much time on the open street. All that said, many of us CAN start experimenting with alternate ways to get where we need to go and end up with multiple awesome benefits: Less planet-killing (and us-killing) carbon emissions, tons more money, less stress, more time to relax, improved health, maybe making new friends… We humans are great at finding ways to do things we really want to, so let’s get you more money and a better planet at the same time!
Would you be interested in an article exploring alternate transportation obstacles and how to overcome them? Or an article describing how to use a city bus for complete newbies? Let me know in the comments, please!
I looked up a lot of statistics for this article and below are just a couple of reference links. You can use a search engine to zero in on your own region’s average statistics, use your own numbers (many times credit cards will break down expenses by categories like transportation, food, entertainment for you, which simplifies things somewhat, though will miss cash purchases).
I’d love to hear your personal car’s REAL mph!