How to participate
There are two major things that need to happen to prevent complete #ClimateBreakdown – and #HumanExtinction – in the next several decades. (And we only have about a decade to keep ourselves from reaching the tipping point to inevitable extinction).
- We need to educate each other in a grassroots fashion, because the mass media is unable, for many reasons, to report on the potential doom of the human race the way it needs to be reported.
- We need to band together and march, strike, and protest to force lawmakers and companies into taking the necessary steps.
We do NOT need donations from you, we only ask for you to participate in the above two steps. We will be showing you step by step how to do this, including how to educate each other and helping connect you with other amazing organizations who organize marches and strikes. Most humans, even if they do not realize the true emergency, WANT to protect the environment, but they often feel helpless. This site will show you the POWER you have.
Being a tiny movement at the moment, I have not had any questions related to monetary donations yet, but thought I’d address it proactively.
#AdultStrike4Climate does not plan to accept monetary donations.
- I don’t intend to work full time on this. Full time non-profit workers should be paid a good wage, no question about that, but for my physical and emotional health I choose to do this part time as a labor of love. Even if I worked 24/7 on it, there is no way I can save the planet by myself. YOU need to be involved. As we share the load, we can accomplish what needs to be done.
- Introducing money would add a whole lot of headaches.
- Applying for 501(c)3 status and gathering a board is not how I enjoy spending my time.
- I do not want publicity for myself or to be the figurehead of a movement – I simply want to be a facilitator that helps further the work so many millions of others are doing; I see #AdultStrike4Climate as a megaphone that puts more power into the hands of ordinary people and lets us FORCE change from malicious and greedy corporations and governments, and gives political power to governments that want to make changes but have been overpowered by corporations.
What we do want from you:
- Your participation in the buying strike every Friday until we reach carbon neutral status as a civilization.
- Your participation in efforts such as telling those around you, guerrilla-distributing flyers and postcards, direct mail, social media, and protests in person.
- Your belief that it is possible to stop this climate disaster and your renewed determination against the strong force of learned helplessness that looks like apathy.